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Advocacy & Alternative Dispute Resolution: Supreme Court Practice

This guide provides links and descriptions to many of the library's resources related to advocacy and dispute resolution, including trial advocacy, client counseling, negotiation, mediation, arbitration, evidence and professional responsibility.

Online Resources

United States Law Week: BNA publication provides comprehensive treatment of important cases from across the country.  Enables users to track Supreme Court cases from filing to final disposition.  U.S. Law Week is also an excellent source for tracking circuit splits. Access through Bloomberg Law.

Moot Court Tips for Supreme Court Problems

Moot Court Problems in the Supreme Court from granimal features a handy slide that covers resources that correspond to different parts of the Supreme Court timeline.

Print Resources

Oral Arguments Before the Supreme Court: An Empirical Approach.  KF8748.W752 2008 10th fl. An academic treatment of the psychology behind Supreme Court decisions with particular focus on the role of oral arguments in the decision-making process and the personality of individual justices.

The Supreme CourtKF 8742.B35 2007 10th fl.  A brief but comprehensive reference work on the history and structure of the Court and its justices.

Supreme Court and Appellate Advocacy: KF 8870.F74 2010 10th fl.  This book focuses on preparing and presenting oral arguments to the Supreme Court and appellate courts. 

Supreme Court Practice:  KF8742 .St45 2019 10th fl.  This practical guide on preparation and presentation of oral argument before Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court and other appellate judges, the author seeks to build on new insights gleaned from his continuing practice as a Supreme Court and appellate litigator