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Advocacy & Alternative Dispute Resolution: Pre-Trial

This guide provides links and descriptions to many of the library's resources related to advocacy and dispute resolution, including trial advocacy, client counseling, negotiation, mediation, arbitration, evidence and professional responsibility.


Motion Practice (5th Ed.).  Aspen Publishers, c2009- .  KF 8875.H46 2009 10th Fl.  This loose-leaf provides guidance on formal requirements and strategic uses of motions from early pre-trial motions to appellate motions.  Includes sample forms and illustrative trial examples.  Last updated in print in 2009.  Also available online via Loislaw General Litigation Library.

Motion Practice and Persuasion. American Bar Association Section on Litigation, c2006.  KF 8875.J67 2006 10 Fl.  This book examines the fundamental principles of motion practice needed to craft motions that address specific legal needs in clear and persuasive prose. This book outlines a lawyer's analysis in writing and presenting a motion. It also covers the three critical factors one must consider in preparing or opposing any motion and the five hurdles a motion must overcome to result in an order.

Pretrial.  Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, c2012. KF8900 .M386 10th Fl.  Pretrial presents a methodology for trial preparation and reviews the procedural rules and thought processes a litigator should utilize before and during each stage of the process.

Pretrial Advocacy: Planning, Analysis, and Strategy (3rd Ed.).  Aspen Publishers, c2010.  KF8900.B4 2010 10th Fl.  This text is intended as a law school or CLE textbook.  It offers an accessible method of teaching the concepts and theory of trial preparation in a manner that reflects the actual practice of law.  Includes a CD-ROM with case file and witness list and a DVD with crime scene and case files (both available on reserve).

Pretrial Litigation in a Nutshell (4th Ed.).  Thomson/West c2008.  KF 8900.D49 2008 Acad, Reserve.   This guide reviews the laws governing the civil pretrial process and the skills needed during pretrial proceedings. Coverage includes client interviewing, the attorney-client relationship, pretrial planning and investigation, pleadings, discovery, pretrial motion practice, and settlement.