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Advocacy & Alternative Dispute Resolution: Expert Witnesses

This guide provides links and descriptions to many of the library's resources related to advocacy and dispute resolution, including trial advocacy, client counseling, negotiation, mediation, arbitration, evidence and professional responsibility.


Opposing the Adverse Expert: A Comprehensive Guide for Every Stage of Litigation. KF8961.E17 2018 - 10th Floor. This guide provides a step-by-step guide to investigating, evaluating, and attacking the adverse expert in civil cases.

The Cross-examination Edge: A Guide to Effective QuestioningKF8920.P65 2010 - 10th FloorCross-Examination Edge is a how-to book intended to help improve cross-examination skills, showing one how to confront the witness in any kind of trial, hearing, or proceeding.

Expert Witness ChecklistsKF8961.D36 1999 - 10th Floor. (Print updated through 2008). These checklists outline the rising use of expert witnesses in modern courtrooms, covering expert selection, pretrial utilization, the admissibility of testimony, and effective direct and cross-examination techniques. 

Expert Witness Manual. KF8964.Z9 D56 2004 - 10th Floor. This text focuses on how to become an expert witness or how to become a better expert witness.

Law for the Expert WitnessKF8961.B76 2007 - 10th Floor. Law for the Expert Witness provides a comprehensive guide for expert witnesses on the legal processes, responsibilities, and best practices essential for effective testimony and work in legal settings. 

MacCarthy on Cross-examination. KF8920.M33 2007 - 10th Floor.  Terence MacCarthy was the head of the Federal Defender's program in Chicago for more than 40 years. This book offers time-tested tips and many illustrative examples of successful cross examination techniques.

Preparing WitnessesKF8950.R68 2006 - 10th Floor. Part of West's Trial Practice Series, this one-volume loose-leaf offers expert advice on how to elicit evidence most favorable to one's client.   

Vouching: a Defense Attorney's Guide to Witness Credibility, Law, and Strategy. KF8950.E46 2008 - 10th Floor. This guide provides defense attorneys with essential insights and practical strategies for assessing witness credibility and navigating legal complexities to effectively advocate for their clients.