Tax materials are generally found in the call number range KF6271-KF6645.
Related Subject Headings include:
Taxation -- Law and legislation -- United States
Income tax -- Law and legislation -- United States
Inheritance and transfer tax -- Law and legislation -- United States
Gifts -- Taxation -- Law and legislation -- United States
Corporations -- Taxation -- Law and legislation -- United States
Boris I. Bittker & Lawrence Lokken, Federal Taxation of Income, Estates, and Gifts (2d/3d eds. 1989-date) 10th floor - KF6335 .B57, available in Westlaw
Boris I. Bittker et al., Federal Income Taxation of Individuals (3d ed. 2002-date) 10th floor - KF6369 .B57, available in Westlaw
Boris I. Bittker & James Eustice, Federal Taxation of Corporations and Shareholders (7th ed. 2000-date) 10th floor - KF6464 .B548, available in Westlaw
Ian M. Comisky et al., Tax Fraud & Evasion (1994-date) 10th floor - KF6334 .B217, available in Westlaw
William S. McKee et al., Federal Taxation of Partnerships and Partners (4th ed. 2007-date) 10th floor - KF6452 .M194, available in Westlaw
Jacob Rabkin & Mark H. Johnson, Federal Income, Gift and Estate Taxation (1942-date) 10th floor - KF6335 .R32, available in Lexis
Arthur B. Willis et al., Partnership Taxation (6th ed. 1997-date), available in Westlaw
Douglas A. Kahn & Jeffrey S. Lehman, Corporate Income Taxation (5th ed. 2001) 6th floor Academic Success & Reserve - KF6464 .K28
Michael I. Saltzman, IRS Practice and Procedure (rev. 2d ed. 2002-date) 10th floor - KF6300 .S26 , available in Westlaw
Joshua D. Rosenberg & Dominic L. Daher, The Law of Federal Income Taxation (2008) 6th floor Reserve & Academic Success - KF6369 .R673 2008
Standard Federal Tax Reporter, otherwise known as FED, available in VitalLaw
Also see resources in Checkpoint