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PTSD is a serious problem. Veterans often come home with unseen scars. Multiple deployments and increased operation tempos likely contributed to higher suicide rates among combat veterans. Another serious issue is sexual violence and harassment. The following is a short list of veteran and military documentaries at UIC Law:
Internet Resources
With the rise of blogs and internet sites, there are an increasing number of internet sources covering the VA's treatment of veterans. The following list of websites and blogs address the VA's treatment of veterans. These resources can help an advocate understand some of the common issues veterans face:
Print Resources
The internet has increased the number of resources covering the VA and veterans. However, these sources are usually not as comprehensive or organized as books. The following books discuss VA services and benefits:
Affective Assistance of Counsel: Practicing Law as a Healing Profession (Marjorie A. Silver ed., 2007). This book focuses on the importance of counseling clients. The authors provide various techniques that provide a holistic approach to client representation, focusing on interviewing and client interactions. These techniques help bridge the gap between the attorney and the client, with approaches to identify cultural differences that affect communication. The articles suggest that attorneys should review and respect a client's overall well-being, and should help clients seek additional help (e.g., psychological counseling for PTSD). This book may be useful for attorneys who want to represent veterans but have limited exposure to veterans or military servicemembers because it provides techniques for working with clients with different backgrounds than the attorney.
Carol Schiro Greenwald & Steven Skyles-Mulligan, Build your Practice the Logical Way: Maximize your Client Relationships (2012). The authors provide concise advice on developing a legal practice, including strategies for building client relationships. This book is a good reference source for developing client relationships, promoting client interests, and maintaining a professional career.
David A. Binder et. al, Lawyers as Counselors: A Client Centered Approach (2d ed. 2004). This work provides attorneys a toolkit for client interviewing, investigation, and most importantly building client relationships.