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Business Organizations: Corporations


Edward Brodsky and M. Patricia Adamski, Law of Corporate Officers and Directors : Rights, Duties, and Liabilities (1984-date) 10th floor - KF1423 .B76 1984, also available via Westlaw

Zolman Cavitch, Business Organizations with Tax Planning, available via Lexis

James D. Cox and Thomas Lee Hazen, Cox & Hazen on Corporations (2nd ed. 2003-date) 10th floor - KF1414 .C69 2003

Fletcher Cyclopedia of the Law of Private Corporations (1931-date) 10th floor - KF1384.A59 F637x 1934, also available via Westlaw

Franklin A. Gevurtz, Corporation Law (2000) 10th floor & 6th floor - Academic Success KF1414 .G48 2000

William E. Knepper and Dan A. Bailey, Liability of Corporate Officers and Directors (8th ed. 2009-date) 10th floor - KF1423 .K58 2002, available via Lexis

Jonathan R. Macey, Macey on Corporation Laws (1998-date) 10th floor - KF1414 .M25 1998

Brent A. Olson, Publicly Traded Corporations : Governance & Regulation (3rd ed. 2010-date) 10th floor - KF1439 .M37 2010, also available via Westlaw

F. Hodge O'Neal and Robert B. Thompson, O'Neal and Thompson's Close Corporations and LLCs : Law and Practice (Rev. 3rd ed. 2004-date) 10th floor - KF1466 .On2 2004, also available via Westlaw

Stephen B. Presser, Piercing the Corporate Veil (1991-date) 10th floor - KF1423.Z95 P74 2011, available via Westlaw

Stephen A. Radin, The Business Judgment Rule : Fiduciary Duties of Corporate Directors (6th ed. 2009) 10th Floor - KF1423 .B585 2009

Linda O. Smiddy and Lawrence A. Cunningham, Soderquist on Corporate Law and Practice (4th ed. 2012) 10th floor - KF1414 .S62 2012