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Business Organizations: Forms


The library provides print and/or online access to a number of business-related forms.  The resources listed here are business-oriented resources; however, comprehensive form sets may also provide chapters or sections covering business-related forms.  For a complete overview of the library's forms resources, visit the library's Finding Forms Research Guide.

Nonprofit Sample Forms and Documents

The Organizations and Transactions Clinic at Stanford Law School has put together a very useful collection of forms and documents related to different types of and issues related to nonprofit organizations. 

Print Form Books

Rabkin and Johnson, Current Legal Forms with Tax Analysis (1948-) 10th floor - KF170 .R113, also available via Lexis

Midwest Transaction Guide: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan (1980-) 9th floor - KFI1268 M55, also available via Lexis

Commercial Contracts: Strategies for Drafting and Negotiating (2013) 10th floor - KF889.3 .C66 2013

Warren's Forms of Agreements (1954-) 10th floor - KF886 .W254x, also available via Lexis

Many titles published by the Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education (IICLEs) provide forms.  For more information on IICLEs related to business organizations, click here: IICLEs

Online Forms Resources

Westlaw and Lexis

In addition to the links above, Westlaw and Lexis each provide online access to business forms.  The Business Practice section of the library's Finding Forms Research Guide highlights some of these databases.


Bloomberg Law's Corporate Practice Portfolio Series are an excellent resource for practitioner-oriented discussions of the law.  These portfolios are also a great resource for forms.  Many of the portfolios append forms of corporate documents and agreements as Worksheets supplementary to the content of the portfolios.