Civil Procedure materials are generally found in the call number range KF 8810 - 9075
Related Subject Headings include:
Administrative procedure -- United States
Jack H. Friedenthal, Mary Kay Kane, Arthur R. Miller, Civil procedure(4th ed. 2005) 6th floor Reserve & Academic Success - KF8840 .F72 2005
Moore's federal practice (1997 - date) 10th floor - KF8719 .M784x 1997. Available in Lexis.
Wright & Miller, Federal Practice and Procedure, 3d ed, (1998-date)10th floor - KF8719 .W68 1999+. Available in Westlaw.
Professor Aaron Caplan of Loyola Law School Los Angeles created this helpful companion to the FRCP, available for free download via SSRN (free sign up required).