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Guide for 1Ls: Contracts


Contracts materials are generally found in the call number range KF801-KF839.

Related Subject Headings include:

Contracts -- United States

Breach of contract -- United States

Unjust enrichment -- United States


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Study Guides

One-Volume Treatises & Hornbooks

E. Allen Farnsworth, Contracts (4th ed. 2004) 9th floor - KF801 .F36

Howard O. Hunter, Modern Law of Contracts (2d rev. ed. 1999-date) 9th floor - KF801 .H85, available in Westlaw

John Edward Murray, Jr., Murray on Contracts (4th ed. 2001) 9th floor - KF801 .M964, available in Lexis

Joseph M. Perillo, Calamari and Perillo on Contracts (5th ed. 2003) 6th floor - Reserve & Academic Success KF801 .C125


Multi-Volume Treatises

E. Allan Farnsworth, Farnsworth on Contracts (3d ed. 2004-date) 9th floor - KF801 .F37

Richard A. Lord, Williston: A Treatise on the law of Contracts (4th ed. 1990-date) 9th floor KF801.W68 J176x , available in Westlaw

Corbin on Contracts (Joseph M. Perillo ed., rev. ed.1993-date) 6th floor - Reserve KF801 .C811x, available in Lexis