Decisions of The U.S. Court of Federal Claims are contained in West's Federal Claims Reporter (Fed. Cl.) (1993-current), United States Claims Reporter (Cl. Ct.) (1983-1992), and The United States Court of Claims Reports (Ct. Cl.) (1863-1982). In addition, CCH publishes a set, U.S. Tax Cases, that compiles all federal court tax decisions except for Tax Court cases.
Online databases conveniently combine all the tax cases in their tax libraries. WestLaw, Checkpoint, and Lexis all provide combined coverage of tax cases. In Lexis, select all federal cases and then choose tax law as a limiting facet.
Tax Court decisions can be regular decisions or memorandum decisions. Regular decisions decide previously unsettled issues, while memorandum decisions apply settled law to particular facts. Memorandum decisions are not officially published, although recent opinions are posted online. Tax Court decisions may be located in: