Various journals and law reviews are devoted to tax law. A majority of academic law journals can be accessed electronically via HeinOnline. Westlaw and Lexis also offer access to a number of these journals.
Citations, abstracts, and often full-text articles can be found using the Index to Legal Periodicals - Full Text database. Lexis and Checkpoint Edge also offer a search feature to locate articles in selected WGL Tax journals.
Another resource for tax articles is the Social Science Research Network (SSRN). This online repository contains works in progress, research papers, and journal pre-publication articles. It is a good source for finding timely scholarly works. Most of the content is freely downloadable.
The print version of the Index to Legal Periodicals and the Current Law Index are alternatives to online research. The indexes are compiled chronologically, with volumes having subject and author indexes.
Below are selected tax-related periodicals available in the Louis L. Biro Law Library. Most of the periodicals are located on the 6th floor unless otherwise noted.
A number of tools are available to locate the treatment or status of tax provisions in the Code, case law, and administrative pronouncements. It is easiest to use online services such as Westlaw's KeyCite, Lexis' Shepards, RIA Checkpoint's Citator service, or VitalLaw's citation search.
In print, the Standard Federal Tax Reporter looseleaf tax service also has citator volumes which can be used to update tax research. In the Law Library at KF6365.S73 - 10th Floor or via VitalLaw.