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Law Faculty Publishing Guide: Setting up an ORCiD account

Setting up an ORCID Account


An ORCID iD is a free, unique, persistent identifier used by scholars and researchers to distinguish themselves, get credit for their work, and use as a universal CV. You can connect your ORCID iD with your professional information, such as affiliations, grants, publications, and awards. You can also easily link your ORCID iD information to other platforms, such as SSRN and LinkedIn. Your ORCID iD will remain unique to you despite any changes in name, institution, or research focus.

It’s easy and quick to register for a free ORCID iD at By using the “trusted individual” feature, you can designate others to assist with the management of your publications list as long as they also have an ORCID iD. You can also sync your publications in HeinOnline with ORCID, which will populate your ORCID publications list with the publications associated with your Hein Author Profile (see the box below for more information). This can be accomplished by adding your ORCID iD to your Hein Author Profile.  

For more information and instructions, see the following: