To find an item in the UIC law library's collection that is not listed at right, please use the Louis L. Biro Law Library's online catalog. To identify relevant materials in UIC's main library, check the UIC Library online catalog. Note that these catalogs include records for both print and eBook titles.
Library of Congress Subject Headings may be used to locate multiple titles on the same topic. For example, some subject headings useful for researching international environmental law and related topics are the following:
For books specific to environmental law and/or human rights in Latin America as a region, try the following:
For resources on environmental law and human rights in individual Latin American countries, combine "Environmental Justice," "Environmental Law," or "Human Rights" with a specific country name. For example, try
Located in The Hague, the Peace Palace Library serves the International Court of Justice and has been collecting international legal materials since 1913.
The Peace Palace Library catalog includes not only book titles but also articles and book chapters. The Library's website also provides access to numerous international research guides. See, specifically, the guides on Environment, Water, and Polar Regions.
Access to Information, Participation and Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean: Towards Achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America & the Caribbean (ECLAC) (Feb. 2018)
Ensuring Environmental Access Rights in the Caribbean: Analysis of Selected Case Law by United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America & the Caribbean (ECLAC) & the Caribbean Court of Justice (Sept. 2018)
Published in May 2023, this work in Spanish addresses the procedural aspects of the Inter-American System of Human Rights and provides an article-by-article analysis of the regulations that guide the operation of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the Inter-American Commission. The book was published by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and edited by Dr. Marie-Christine Fuchs, Hartmut Rank, and Miguel Ángel Barboza López.
The following titles are from West's Nutshell series, which covers many areas of U.S. law. These particular titles provide a succinct introduction to broad international law topics as well.
Lakshman D. Guruswamy, International Environmental Law in a Nutshell (3rd ed. 2007). Academic Success - 6th floor, K3585 .G87 2007
Thomas Buergenthal et al., International Human Rights in a Nutshell (5th ed. 2017). Academic Success - 6th floor, K3240.4 .B84 2017