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Remote Access to Library Resources: Home

This guide covers resources available to you while access to campus is limited.

Using the Library Website

You should access databases and e-books through the library website unless it has an individual log-in, like Westlaw or Lexis. You will need your NetID and password to log in through our proxy server. 

Main Campus Library Materials

You have access to many resources through the University Library. Searching in the "Library Search" bar will return results in journals, databases, books and media, and more. You can also search for specific databases and journals

Accessing Databases from Off Campus

You can access any of the databases that the library subscribes to from most places that you have an internet connection, but there is one extra step you must take to do so if you are not connected to the on-campus network.

Navigate to the database or resource you want to use through the library's website. After clicking the link, you will be asked to provide your NetID and password to log in through our proxy server and access subscription databases from off campus. Note that many workplaces employ firewalls that will prevent access.

Online Study Aids

In addition to the print Academic Success Collection, we provide access to two digital study aid libraries: the LexisNexis Digital Library and the Aspen Learning Library.

For more information about accessing these resources, see this guide or contact the librarians at

Finding and Accessing e-Books and Online Titles Through the UIC Law Library Catalog

The catalog search bar on the law library home page defaults to searching for print materials in the law library collection. To search for e-resources as well, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Full Search link below the search box. This will direct you to a new search page.
  2. From the new page, click the magnifying glass (search) icon at the right end of the search box and select "UIC Law Library Catalog & E-Resources.”

  3. Enter your search terms and view your results.

You can filter your results using the options on the left of the results screen, including limiting to “Available online” or by Resource Type (Articles, Books, Reports, etc.). For e-resources, you may be prompted to log in to access a title. Typically, this will require entering your NetID and password. If the resource is in Westlaw, Lexis, or Bloomberg Law, it may require your individual username and password for those platforms.

Contacting the Librarians

If you would like to reach a librarian, email If needed, we can hold one-on-one consultations online. Contact us by email to set that up.

You can also request a virtual reference appointment here.