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Elder Law Resource Guide: Home


Elder law covers a wide range of issues such as social security, health care including Medicare & Medicaid, long-term care, age discrimination, and estate & financial planning. This guide provides an overview of resources related to elder law available to patrons at the Louis L. Biro Law Library at the John Marshall Law School. Locations and call numbers are noted for print resources. When a resource is available electronically a link to the database is provided.

Elder Law Library - Lois Law

We have recently acquired the Elder Law Library, an electronic collection of treatises and practice guides available via Loislaw > Elder Law Library.  Resources in this collection include:

The Elder Law Portfolio Series is a series of 29 portfolios edited by Harry Margolis addressing a wide variety of legal topics that concern aging topics.

Elder Law Answer Book, written by Robert B. Fleming and Lisa Nachmias Davis, this treatise covers the core topics of elder law, including long-term care, estate planning, retirement planning, and healthcare decision-making.

Elder Law Forms Manual edited by Harry Margolis this form book contains 20 chapters with more than 100 forms.  The manual is divided into 5 parts: Managing the Elder Law Practice, Estate and Long-Term Care Planning, Powers of Attorney, Medical Directives and Wills, Trusts, and Miscellaneous.

Representing the Elderly Client: written by Thomas D. Begley, Jr., Jo-Anne H. Jeffreys, covers the basics principles of representing older clients including Medicaid, Special Needs Trusts, Medicare and Managed Care, Elder Abuse, Nursing Home and LTC Facilities, and Intra-family and Postmortem Advocacy for Elderly Clients and Heirs.

29 portfolios addressing different legal topics that concern aging clients


29 portfolios addressing different legal topics that concern aging clients


General Resources on Elder Law

Arnason, S. (1995). The Legal Rights of the Elderly. Practising Law Institute guide. New York, N.Y: Practising Law Institute.  KF390.A4 A75 - 10th floor

Assessment of Older Adults with Diminished Capacity: A Handbook for Lawyers. (2005). Washington, D.C: American Bar Association Commission on Law and Aging. KF390.A4 A87 2005 - 10th floor

Barnes, A. M. (2005). Counseling Older Clients (2nd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: American Law Institute-American Bar Association, Continuing Professional Education. KF337.5. A33 B37 2005  - 10th floor

Begley, T. D. (2000+). Begley and Hook: Representing the Elderly or Disabled Client. St. Paul, Minn.: Thomson/West.  Available via Westlaw and Lois Law (under Treatise Library> Elder Law Library)

Frolik, L. A.Frolik and Brown: Advising the Elderly or Disabled Client (2nd ed.). St. Paul, Minn.: Thomson/West.  Available via Westlaw.

Frolik, Lawrence A. (2010). Everyday law for seniors. Paradigm Publishers. KF390.A4 F753 2010 - 10th floor.

Frolik, L. A. (2010). Elder Law in a Nutshell (5th ed.). St. Paul, Minn: Thomson/West.  KF390.A4 F752 2010- 6th floor Academic Success & Reserve

IICLE: Advising Elderly Clients and Their Families, 2008. (2008). . Springfield IL: Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education.  KFI1291.A3 - 6th floor Practitioner Collection and available online via IICLE SmartBooks

Jasper, M. C. (2001). Elder Law. Oceana's legal almanac series (2nd ed.). Dobbs Ferry, N.Y: Oceana Publications.  KF390.A4 J37 2001 - 10th floor

Kapp, Marshall B. (2010). Legal aspects of elder care. Jones and Bartlett Publishers. KF390.A4 K375 2010 - 10th floor  

Krauskopf, J. M. (1993). Elderlaw: Advocacy for the Aging (2nd ed.). St. Paul, Minn: West Pub. Co.  KF390.A4 K71 - 10th floor available via Westlaw.

Margolis, H. S. (1992). ElderLaw Forms Manual: Essential Documents for Representing the Older Client. Boston: Little, Brown.  KF390.A4 M37 - 10th floor.  Available via VitalLaw.

Margolis, H.S. ElderLaw Portfolio Series: Aspen Publishers.  KF390.A4 E429 - 10th floor.  Available via VitalLaw and Lois Law (under Treatise Library> Elder Law Library).

Mezzullo (ed). Advising the Elderly Client. (1992). . St. Paul, Minn.: Thomson/West.  Available via Westlaw.

O'Reilly, J. T. (2009). How to Protect Elders from Harm. Oceana's legal almanac series. New York: Oceana.  KF1257 .O724 2009 - 10th floor

Sember, B. M. (2008). The Complete Legal Guide to Senior Care (2nd ed.). Naperville, IL: Sphinx Pub.  KF390.A4 S446 2008 - 10th floor

Takacs, T. L. (2007). A Guide to Elder Law Practice. Newark, NJ: LexisNexis Matthew Bender.  KF390.A4 T35 2007 - 10th floor

Weisman, S. (2004). A Guide to Elder Planning: Everything You Need to Know to Protect Yourself Legally & Financially. Financial Times Prentice Hall books. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Financial Times Prentice Hall.  KF390.A4 W45 2004 - 10th floor

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